Category: Metalurgy -> Metalurgy -> Metallurgy machinery
Country: Poland
  Equipment for operating ore and coal dumping grounds.
Dumping and loading machine on the dumping ground of the Coking Plant of the Huta T. SENDZIMIR S.A. Steelworks.[...] Details...   General device characteristics
Cutting machines EOM are aimed at oxygen metal low-alloyed cutting, and while plasma cutting application of alloyed metal and nonferrous metals.
The cutting machine is built of closed profiles on which work-support blades are located. The drive of servo-engine drive carried onto the toothed bar through a toothed wheel allows for exact reading from the templates also at high speeds. Electro-magnetic gears let for fast, manual move of the cutting-off[...] Details...  Linia do cięcia blach 2000 x 3MM ARM
Producent: ARM,
Pochodzenie: Anglia,
Rok budowy: 1980,
- Szybkość produkcji: 40 m/min,
Max długość kręgu taśmy: 2000 mm,
Max. grubość kręgu: 3 mm,
Max. ciężar kręgu taśmy: 20 000 kg[...] Details...   Remix offers for the foundry industry the following furnaces: chamber furnaces, car-bottom furnaces, furnaces for continuous work and automated plants. These units are designed for annealing, solutioning, ageing of alloy casts. Within the latest design solutions we obtain high level of output, high quality of heat systems, modern thermal insulation, regular temperature profile, modern outfit of control panels and also low consumption of energy.
Typical example of our units for heat treatment of[...] Details...  Suwnice pomostowe dwudźwigarowe ogólnego przeznaczenia znajdują zastosowanie we wszystkich gałęziach gospodarki, a w szczególności w przemysłach elektromaszynowym, hutniczym oraz energetyce i górnictwie. Suwnice mogą pracować zarówno w halach (obiektach zamkniętych), jak i na terenie otwartym (składowiskach). Na indywidualne zapotrzebowanie klienta suwnice mogą zostać przystosowane do pracy wśród pyłów gazów i oparów wybuchowych, łatwopalnych i żrących.[...] Details...   Medium and mains frequency crucible-type induction furnaces with complete dedusting installation.
Foto: Crucible-type induction furnace PIT-6000 for cast steel or cast iron in the ELZAM Works, Elbląg.[...] Details...   Half-automatic cutting machine MAX 3 is a modern device for oxygen and plasma cutting and also for beveling and metal splaying. A compact build and little weight is the advantage of the cutting machine therefore it is possible to use it in many ways. The direct current engine guarantees a stable move speed in the whole range of its regulation.
An outrigger with torch suspension can move for a distance of 150 mm. Setting the torch height takes place by means of a cog wheel and a rack placed on the[...] Details...  Zgniatarka prętów aluminiowych
Producent: HERBORN
Typ: DR 100
Rok budowy: 1975[...] Details...  Suwnice bramowe produkowane są na indywidualne zamówienie klientów. W ofercie firmy FUD S.A. występują one w dwóch wersjach:
suwnice bramowe jednodźwigarowe o udźwigu do 20 t.
suwnice bramowe dwudźwigarowe wg. wymagań klienta[...] Details...   Equipment for out-of-furnace processing of steel VAO, VAD, LF as well as for continuous casting of steel - CCS
Foto: CCS - for casting steel in the Huta KATOWICE S.A. Steelworks.[...] Details...